Saturday, January 23, 2010

Snowboarding in Tahoe

The Sierras recently got an amazing amount of snow (70+ inches) due to three storms that came through in a week. So, we managed to take part in the powdery fun on Friday. We didn't get any pics on top of the mountain, but here are a few after a fun filled day of snowboarding:

Pics of the drive:

Before going back to the car:

Right next to the car was this bank of snow:

Duke thought it would be funny for me to climb up in it and make a snow angel. So, of course he lifted me up to where I made my snow angel.

Then, he thought it would be funny for me to see how far I could get stuck in the snow, to which I complied with his request... Here I am trying to push my weight into the snow:

Then, I guess it looked pretty funny how I was pushing my weight into the snow, so Duke started filming it (me not knowing at first) and when I realized he was recording, I added a little dance. For your entertainment, I'm not sure why I'm posting this, other than we laugh at it after every time we watch it... so, hopefully it makes you laugh too :)

1 comment:

Kadie said...

Love the dance. Hope to come see you soon!