Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Labor Day weekend of fun!

Over labor day weekend, we had visitors including: Clint, Kadie, Brevin, JT, Zack, Chris, Jodie, Marin, Ell, Jack, Roger, Sue and Grandma Minick! WHEW! And, all but three stayed at our 2 bed, 2 bath apartment... now that I think of it, I'm quite sad that I didn't get more pictures of our tight, but fun living conditions :) I did manage to get only a few pictures of the fun, but this is what they include:

Roger and Sue came into town on Thursday night. They so graciously excepted my plea to bring a saw and electric sander so I could work on a project that I would be doing for an activity day for the women at church. Due to tight timing of everyone coming into town, Sue and I solicited Roger's help in painting the blocks as follows:

Thanks for being a helpful, good sport, Roger! :) Without Sue, I wouldn't have been able to finish my project!

Of course, Roger, Sue, Duke and I managed to golf on Friday after Duke got off work. Then, I sent Roger, Sue and Duke to the Rib festival to get us some dinner while I worked on my project. That was the TASTIEST pulled pork sandwich I have had in a while.... yum!

On Saturday we made it to Lake Tahoe, it was really windy, but still had a good time. Ell managed to talk me into going out in the water waste deep with her. But, she decided that the best idea included me holding her so only her toes got wet (while I am waste deep in cold water!)

We had cake to celebrate Grandpa Roger's birthday, here's a little proof!

We had a great dinner on Sunday and the Fallows and Roger and Sue took off Sunday night. We were able to play with the Zollingers on Monday for a few hours before they also left.

We had a great time and it was fun to be together with most of the family (we missed the Justin and Jake Cheneys!)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Officially Nevadans

So, Duke and I tried EVERYTHING to be able to not become Nevadans. For some reason, it felt like we were Finally leaving Colorado behind since we had to get our car licensed in Nevada. And, both of our Drivers Licenses expire this year so we had to get those here too. We tried to get Colorado to mail us another registration, which they said they would, except Nevada is one of the 7 states that if you're working in the state you have to get your car registered there. UGH.

So, we bit the bullet, and now, our Camry looks like every other Camry in Nevada with this plate:


And, now, everyone is going to think that we are "one of those" HORRIBLE drivers that you will find in Reno. A few pet peeves of the Reno drivers:

Even though there are 3 lanes of traffic, they all sit in the lane furthest to the right, which makes it very difficult to exit with the on-off ramps that they have here

No one EVER goes the speed limit. If the speed limit is 65, they go 55

For those that don't sit in the far right lane, the ones that go 55 sit in the far left lane with stragglers in the middle lane so you can't pass anyone


Okay, I'll stop now. But, we are Nevadans and are not quite sure how we feel about that!