Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Catch - up post number 4, Reno is home now?

The drive to Reno went well, except for the part about my indecisiveness about our apartment when we first drove up to it. You see, we did our apartment shopping online, very difficult I must say, and they failed to mention the location of our apartment was conveniently located by a trailer park (but don't worry, it's fancy, it's gated) and pretty much nothing else. So, we pulled up and decided I just needed to go look at a few more places for my mental sanity before we signed the contract. We did so and upon pulling back up to The View, I felt okay about it so we signed the contract. But not for the apartment we originally wanted, for one that has a MUCH bigger kitchen (which I love) and an actual room for laundry. Thanks Duke for letting me have the bigger and better apartment! :) .

We got to Reno on a Monday night, and on Thursday we drove to California to say hi to friends and family. First stop though was to purchase our new Iphones.... yes, we are a two-Iphone family, and we love them. This is the first picture taken with my new Iphone... say cheese!

Next stop was to see Ed, Lindsey, Sarah and soon to be baby Kai. Lindsey was gracious enough to give me a nice bang trim, she is a great hair stylist, and we woke up to the ever so wonder, drum roll please, my birthday! We ate a delicious burger in Palo Alto and then headed to Fraich... (sp?) the best frozen yogurt ever!

After visiting with the Harmans, we drove to see Clint, Kadie, Brevin, JT and Zack who helped me celebrate my birthday with delicious chocolate cake and ice cream! We made it to the beach and Clint was able to come with us (he had back surgery not too long before) and we had a great time! On the way home from the Zollingers, we stopped in to see Jodie, Chris, Marin, Ell and Jack. They fed us lunch and sent us on our way so we could get back to Reno where Duke would soon start his new job as a Resident at Renown hospital.

Sorry, I don't have any pictures of the rest of our fun that we had this weekend.

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