Monday, August 31, 2009

Catch - up post number 10, almost done catching up!

Was I done traveling yet? Of course not! After my week in Idaho, the following weekend after I got home, Duke and I made the trip home to Gooding, Idaho to see Duke's parents. We arrived in Gooding to find Duke's dad awaiting our arrival (around midnight!). We were surprised to see him still awake, but we couldn't stay up long because we had an early tee-time! We golfed 18 holes on a windy Gooding golf course. Of course that wasn't enough, so Duke and his dad golfed at the Buhl golf course later that afternoon while Sue and I went to see a movie. We didn't manage to get any pictures, but it was sure good to go home!

So, I know you have just been waiting and waiting for this next picture...

Don't worry, the city has had this under construction so they could change the lights out to be more "green". Reno is definitely a strange city. It's like country people living in the 'big city'... a strange combination if you can only imagine!

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