Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I Love Birthdays!

I absolutely love to celebrate birthdays! Duke's birthday is tomorrow. I've reminded him every week for a month now that his birthday is getting closer and closer, and now it's here tomorrow! The funniest thing about shopping for presents and hiding them in my apartment, is we don't have many places to hide things. SO, I had something coming in the mail, and the first temptation for Duke was that he had to resist looking in the closet where they put our delivered packages. You know when there is a package because they put a yellow post-it on the door. Then, I brought something home when I came home from work, with no where to put it, so I put it on the extra bed with my coat over it and said "DON'T YOU DARE LOOK UNDER IT!!!" As far as I know, he's been compliant :) It's been there for a couple of days...Not very nice huh?! The surprise will be revealed tomorrow :) Who else can't wait! lol