Sunday, August 16, 2009

Catch - up post number 1, Duke's Graduation

My excuse for the long delay of an update is travel... yes, I've been in Reno for almost two months and I think I've stayed home for two weekends thus far. I've been doing a little of traveling, maybe too much traveling (can you travel too much?), but between travel and work I haven't had much time for blogging. So, I'm playing a little, OKAY, a LOT, of catch up. Starting with a few things that happened in Denver before we moved to the metropolis of Reno, NV.

First things first, Duke's graduation. The night before graduation the school hosted a dinner for the pharmacy grads and their families. We went with Brandon and Alison to the dinner (although we sadly had to sit at different tables)! Duke and Brandon were among those that were "honored" at the dinner for being a part of the "bow-tie" clan... Duke with about 8 or 9 other guys in their class decided to wear bow-ties for their class pictures. Duke failed to mention this to me (on purpose I'm sure of it!) that this was the plan. I'm sure had he mentioned it to me, he would have got the "are you sure that's a good idea speech!).

These pics are of us with Brandon and Alison, and then with Danny, Duke and Brandon, me and Alison and then Brandon, Duke and Danny with one of their professors.

We were lucky enough to have Duke's parents and my parents attend graduation. These next few pictures are the morning of the ceremony as we're getting ready for the BIG event :)

Who's graduating... me or Duke? :)

And now, for the big event! Duke was hooded by one of his professors and then when it was Brandon's turn, he hooded Brandon. (which I didn't know was the plan, so I didn't get any pictures of this... maybe I can get one from Alison?!)

He finally made it! It was a wonderful four years in Denver and we couldn't believe this day came so fast. Here's a few pictures after the ceremony. Thanks to our parents for making the trip to celebrate with us!

After the ceremony, the guys went golfing and the girls headed to the outlets. Of course, there was success at the outlets (I think we all left with a few bags) and there was this Moose that was just really wanting to have his picture made, so me and Sue sat in his lap for a picture!

My parents left on Sunday and after church we went up to Red Rocks theatre- a natural ampitheatre with Duke's parents. It was raining so it made the red rock really colorful - so pretty!

On Monday, Memorial Day, we went to watch the Dodgers and Rockies... the Rockies didn't give a good show that game (lost by more than 10 runs) but, you can't beat a ballpark hotdog, and Of Course, some cotton candy!

( stop eating your hot dog and smile for the camera!)

It was a wonderful weekend that we didn't want to end for a number of reasons! The company was wonderful, the fun we had was immeasurable, and this meant our time in Denver was coming close to an end so we had ALOT of things to do before we left!

Here's to the end of post number 1 of playing catch up... my goal is to post one a day this week (or however long it takes) until I am all caught up!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Way to go Morghan, it's about time ;) Congrats to Duke! We're excited to see what you post of your lives in Reno!