Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving fun

We were so happy to have my family out for thanksgiving. This is two years in a row that they've made the long trip from Arkansas to spend the Holiday with me and Duke. I was informed by Grandma Crockett that this would be the last year they wouldn't be visiting home (Osceola, Ar) for Turkey day... I am very grateful for her sharing them with me these past two years :)
We also had Sharry(Duke's cousin) over - who we so enjoyed her visting with us! She managed to survive being around the Crocketts and we had fun playing NERTS... for those of you who don't know Nerts, it is my favorite card game ever! Kinda like solitare, just a little more involved with the more people that play.
We had a great Thanks giving dinner, here's a few things we cooked:
Turkey (with an apricot glaze.. yum!), Dressing(two kinds of dressing), macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, scalloped potatoes, greenbean casserole, corn casserole, deviled eggs, ham, rolls, sweet potatoes, banana cream pie, chocolate cream pie and pecan pie! Oh so good :) Mom and I got up at 6:30a.m. and cooked till we ate at 2:00p.m.! So fun... here's some pics of the fun.

And, the turkey! Rubbed with Herbs and an apricot glaze was delicious!

Yum, Chocolate and Banana Cream pies!

Yum, homemade pecan pie!


Can't go wrong with Nerts, (for me anyways!)


Lindsey Harman said...

Does Grandma Crockett mean she will be a grandma because of you? :) Looks like you had some great food and great company! Miss ya! XOXO

Duke~N~Morghan said...

Lol, No, she's grandma because of my dad! :)